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Wrongful Death Claim As A Result Of A Car Accident

Put 30 Plus Years of Experience on Your Side During This Difficult Time
If you have lost a loved one to wrongful death, you know that money cannot undo the damage that has been done. However, you also know that you and your family may be facing serious financial difficulties in the aftermath of this tragedy. Will you be able to pay funeral expenses and monthly bills?car accident attorneys san antonio

Bringing a wrongful death claim against the negligent party is a way to secure financial compensation for your family. It is also a way to seek justice for your loved one. Holding an individual or corporation responsible for its actions may prevent the same thing from happening to another family. You will still have suffered a terrible loss, but some people find comfort when their loved ones’ death has an impact on safety regulations, personal responsibility, or corporate policy. More about Car Accident Lawyer San Antonio

How We Can Help

The wrongful death attorneys at our Law Firm provide compassionate support to families while aggressively pursuing wrongful death claims. We take the time to get to know you so we can truly understand your family’s needs and goals. As experienced trial lawyers, we are prepared to go to trial when that is in your best interests.

Wrongful death damages may be awarded to compensate the family for financial and emotional losses such as:

Medical bills
Funeral expenses
Lost future income for dependents
Emotional distress

Depending on the case’s specifics, damages may also be awarded as a punitive measure against the negligent party.

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim?

Depending on the type of case, the following people can file wrongful death claims:


Wrongful death is described as any death that is another person’s fault. The most common cause is auto accidents, Rollover, unsafe products, unsafe premises, truck accidents, bus accidents, marine accidents, medical malpractice accidents, and railroad accidents although any other type of death is a potential wrongful death case, as well. Survivors of the deceased typically file a lawsuit in order to seek financial compensation. The amount awarded is based upon the deceased’s projected potential earnings and medical costs, as well as emotional anguish.

While someone usually files a wrongful death case in the immediate family, other people may file a lawsuit in special situations. For instance, if the litigant is under 18, a guardian ad litem is usually appointed to conduct legal matters on their behalf.

Also, stepchildren and other non-adopted children can also be awarded certain rights regarding wrongful death lawsuit filings. Much of who is allowed to file suit is dependent upon the specifics of the situation.

What sort of compensation can I receive?
It depends on the situation. Generally, the deceased’s projected future earnings are calculated and then divided proportionally by the number of dependents. The compensation varies, however, based on how the person died. Additionally, punitive damages for pain and suffering can be awarded.

What if the death occurred in a medical setting?
Wrongful death claims are still applicable. For more information, please view the medical malpractice page.

How much does a wrongful death lawsuit cost?
Nothing. Our consultations are free, and if we take your case, you won’t pay us until it has been resolved.

Our wrongful death lawyer serves clients with free consultations! Contact our Law Firm today to set up an appointment.

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