Taxi Or Ride-Share Accidents – Carabin Shaw Attorneys

Our city has a reputation as being a city that is fairly spread out, so when the millions of tourists that go there every year come into town, they will probably need a taxi to get from one popular site to the next. That’s why there’s no shortage of taxis and uber cars rambling around the streets with the corresponding number of accidents each accident attorneys san antonio texas

To maximize their fares, all taxi drivers operate their vehicles in a way that borders on dangerous—swerving in and out of lanes, pushing through intersections on yellow lights, merging when there seems to be no room to merge. Sometimes these maneuvers result in banged-up vehicles on the other end of the collision. more information on this website

If you have been in a vehicle accident involving a taxi or ride-share vehicle, contact a skilled taxi accident attorney immediately. You are going to need an ally to face the large and powerful legal teams that taxi companies keep at the ready.

During your free consultation, your taxi accident lawyer will talk about your case and help you devise a strategy to get the compensation that you deserve. Just because a taxi driver has a large legal team backing him doesn’t mean that you should be responsible for all of your medical bills, lost work time, and pain and suffering. That’s especially true if that taxi driver’s in-a-hurry driving wrecked your car and your body.

In addition to taxi drivers being responsible for many accidents in which they are involved, some taxi companies also have a spotty record of maintenance. The vehicle that hit your car might have had faulty steering or worn brakes. A personal injury lawyer will know how to prove that by accessing the company’s maintenance records.

You should never accept the initial settlement offered by the taxi company’s insurance carrier; it rarely will be enough to cover your future medical expenses and lost work time as you go to rehab sessions and other doctor’s appointments. You need a taxi accident attorney to fight for every dollar that you need, so that your accident will not bankrupt you as well.

Head and neck sprains that occur after vehicles collide can linger for months and might be far more serious than mere sprains. Concussions, similarly, often require long-term care, as do spinal injuries and broken bones. These bills add up, especially when scans and tests are part of your treatment.

We all appreciate taxis when we are in a city that we don’t know and we don’t have a vehicle. But taxis can also be a menace in our home cities. Make sure that liability for your collision with a taxi is properly assigned through the services of a strong personal injury lawyer.

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