What To Do After a Car Accident

These quick tips can help ensure that you have the best legal case or defense if you find yourself in a car accident.

First Steps: Get out of Traffic and Consider Calling the Police

You should always make sure to get out of traffic after you have been involved in a car accident, you need to do this to inspect damage and exchange information or decide whether to call the police. If other individuals have been injured make sure to get help for the first, but do not attempt to move anyone.rear end car accident attorneys

In many situations, the police will need to be called, do this if there is any visible damage or if someone is injured or may be injured. A police report in and of itself usually cannot determine who is responsible for an accident, but the contents of the report and any related witness statements can be helpful later. Additionally, keep in mind that if the collision took place without the property owner being present you must call the police to report the incident. More on this website

The police may issue a traffic citation to a party if it believes that the party committed a crime or violation of traffic laws. As the police report, a traffic citation can not in itself be used to determine liability by law, but insurance companies will often consider the individual who received the citation to be at fault.

Consider Calling an Ambulance

If you have been seriously injured ask for an ambulance. Sending for an ambulance will not necessarily guarantee a higher award; the more important issue is whether you receive treatment by a doctor very soon after the accident. However, if you wait too long after your accident to receive medical attention it could affect the amount that you can receive in a settlement if a lawsuit must be filed. More here

Take Pictures

It is important to get your own set of pictures of the accident in case you need to prove something that may be contested later. For example, skid marks can indicate whether a car made an abrupt stop. Additionally, where the damage arises on the vehicle can also tend to help your case should a disagreement arise. For example, if the rear of your car is smashed and the front of the other car is smashed photos indicating this can provide evidence that the other person was at fault for rear-ending you.auto accident attorneys

Exchange Information

Make sure to get the following information from all the other motorists involved in the accident:

Name, address, and contact information,
Auto insurance information,
The license plate number of all vehicles involved,
Driver’s license numbers,
If another motorist flees the scene attempt to write down their license plate.

Contact our Traffic Accident Lawyer

If you have been injured in an accident, contact the personal injury attorneys of our Law Office. Our lawyers have expertise in handling car crash cases. If you are entitled to payment we can help you get any amount of recovery entitled to you under law. Call us toll-free to schedule a free consultation.

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