Accident Law – Personal Injury

If you or a loved one has been injured due to an injury or accident, you need the services of a qualified personal injury law firm. There are many reputable Texas attorneys to choose from, but when it comes to finding the best personal injury firm, you want to follow a simple process of comparison. You need to know how the firm operates in order to make a smart decision about who will represent you.

First, because there are many specialties of the law, make sure the firm does indeed handle personal injury cases. Next, before you sit down with an attorney, confirm that he or she will meet with you for an initial consultation at no charge. Personal injury lawyers earn their money from a percentage of what you receive when the case gets settled. So avoid firms that charge you for the first interview.rear end car accident attorneys

Remember that it is a mutual decision as to whether a personal injury firm will take up your case. An administrative assistant or paralegal at the firm will check for any conflicts of interest before you meet with any of their attorneys. If they find that someone on the opposing side has been a previous client, they will have to suggest you look elsewhere.

When you get your interview scheduled, prepare your materials. For your appointment, you will want to have all the relevant documents. These can include any written police reports, medical bills and records, and correspondence with insurance companies. If you or the person injured has been unable to work or been put on limited hours following the injury, you will want to show the attorney your notes on lost income. Earlier pay stubs can be helpful in this regard.

Now that the lawyer has a better idea of your case, it is time to ask questions about his or her practice. Find out how long they have been in practice. If they handle other areas of the law, ask about the percentage of personal injury cases they take on. How successful have they been?

Do they represent mostly plaintiffs, the people like you who are suing for injuries, or mostly defendants? You want a firm with more experience helping the injured. Although good attorneys strive for fairness, those used to protect the interest of insurance companies may hold an unconscious bias toward them and against plaintiffs such as yourself.

Ask whether you will be working with the lawyer who has met with you or if the firm will assign others to handle your case. You can ask them to meet them as well. You want to feel you can trust the lawyer or lawyers who are working with you, and perhaps to feel a certain personal rapport with them to make the whole legal journey easier on you and your family.

When it comes time to find the best personal injury firm, start your search based on recommendations from friends and professionals in other fields. Then do a brief amount of homework and you are on your way to getting a settlement that will help make up for your losses.

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