4 Common Causes for Motorcycle Accidents: Injury Guide

Resources for Injured People
Most motorcycle riders love the thrill of riding a bike even though they know that riding one carries with it an increased risk for personal injury. Motorcycle accidents are common and often end up with the rider or passenger sustaining really serious injuries, which sometimes prove to be fatal. No matter how serious the injuries are, when someone is involved in an accident like this they need to talk to a personal injury lawyer to find out what their rights to compensation are. Injury accident lawyers are well acquainted with motorcycle accident litigation and can know the top common causes for motorcycle accidents. Personal injury lawyers categorize the common causes for most motorcycle accidents below:

1. Driver Negligence
A negligent driver that is not paying attention to the roadways and everyone else on it can make some dangerous decisions when driving. Sometimes the driver is distracted by talking on their cell phone or they are just thinking about something else that is going on in their life other than driving. Negligent drivers can make sudden unexpected stops, turns, lane changes without looking, etc. A negligent driver can even be one that falls asleep at the wheel because of sleep deprivation. Drivers who lose their temper and experience road rage can cause a motorcycle accident too. It all boils down to paying attention to your surroundings and being courteous to others when driving. A good personal injury attorney can prove driver negligence. More on this website

2. Motorist turns into the Path of an Oncoming Motorcycle
The top cause for motorcycle accidents may just be the fact that motorists will turn left in front of an oncoming motorcycle. The driver in the other vehicle either doesn’t see the oncoming motorcycle, or else they misjudge their speed and turn left in front of the motorcycle. The motorcyclist usually doesn’t have enough braking distance and will crash into the car or truck making the turn in front of them before they can stop the bike in time. When this happens both the rider and the passenger can be thrown off of the bike and receive bodily injuries.

3. Poor Road Conditions
Poor road conditions are another one of the top reasons for motorcycle accidents. Riding a motorcycle requires extra special care, especially in poor road conditions. Some motorcyclists have not had the proper training and will go too fast on dirt or gravel roads, not realizing the bike can easily slip out from under them. A motorcycle injury attorney always advises motorcyclists to take a safety course. In some states, a motorcycle safety course is required before taking the test driver’s test to get a license.motorcycle accident attorneys

4. Speeding and Unsafe Riding Habits
Another common cause of motorcycle accidents is speeding. Some motorcyclists ride way too fast and attempt to swerve on the road between vehicles. Sportbike riders seem to have more of a tendency to speed. The ability to go at such fast speeds on a motorcycle will always put the rider in danger of a serious accident.

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